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hello every one thank you for you
for join us here i hope you all will feel fun with us ^^ happy times
نرحب بك هنا شكرا لتسجيلك نتمني لك اوقات ممتعة ^^
tekken champions
hello every one thank you for you
for join us here i hope you all will feel fun with us ^^ happy times
نرحب بك هنا شكرا لتسجيلك نتمني لك اوقات ممتعة ^^
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قصة تيكن *************هيهاتشي يمتلك تروة هائلة وفي داخلة نزعة شيطانية في السيطرة علي العالم وحلمة ان يصبح اقوي جخص في العالم جسديا واقتصادية وسياسيا ويريد السيطرؤة علي كل شئي عندما كان كازويا عمرة5 سنوات راي طفلة صغيرة تيكي من اجل قطة اصيبت فعالجها هيهاتشي كان قاسيا جدا في تعاملة مع الطفل كازويا هيهاتشي كان قاصيا جد ا في تعاملة مع ابنة هيهات شي اخد كازويا الي ضفاف التنلة و القي بة في النهر من اعلي التلة * بعد فترة من الوقت تمكن كازويا من الصعود الي اعلي التلة ولكنة اصيب بندبة كبيرة علي صدرة وكانت الدماء تنزف من صعد الي اعلي التل و الكره و الحقد يملئي صدرة وجسمة وكله وعقد العزم علي الانتقام من ابية هيهاتشي الدي هجرة ولم ينتضرة عند التل *** اعتقد ان الدفل هنا عندما راي حجم الحقد والكرة المتمكن في كازويا الصغير اسطتع ان اجد مدخلا في نفس هدا الطفل مرت السنين ***-*-*-*-*-+++-******** ومازالت تروة هيهاتشي تزداد وتزداد ****الي الن اعلن عن قيام بطولة القبضة الحديدية الاولي وبجائزة مالية ضخمة سبب قيام هدة البقطولة ليس واضحا يمكن ان يكون سببه التسلية او ان تغطي عنة عمل اجرامي ينوي القيام بة 8 مقاتلين من اقوي المقاتلين في العالم اشستركوا لكن واحد فقط وصل الي النهائي هو كازويا فقط طبعا وعلي نفس التل الدي اقي منة هيهاتشي كازيا القي كازيا منه هيهاتشي بعد نزال استمر لساعات وفاز كازيا ميشما ***لمعلوماتكم الفتاتة الصغير الدي ساعدها كازيا هي نفسها جون ام جين وجوزة كازيا لكن هيهاتشي لم يمت ****وتسلف وتسلق التل *****وفي نفس الوقت *****استولي كازيا علي كل شي واصبح اقوي من الساب ق وانتشر ت نفودة في جميع انحاء العالم وازداد ايضا قوة كازيا الشيطانية***** وبعد مروم سنة*** اعلن عن قيام بطولة تيكن2 وبجائزة مالية اكتر من السابقة بعشرات المرات في المبارة النهائية ** وبعهد قتال دموي ***تمكن هيهاتشي من التغلب علي كازيا وكاد ان يقتل الديفل المسيطر ** المسيطر علي كازويا صورة جين وكازويا لكن الديفل قسم نفسة الي جزئن واحد بقي في جدتة كزيا والاخر انتقل الي جتدو جين الدي هو ابن كازيا بعد المعركة القي هيهاتشي جتة كازويا في البركان واستعاد املاكةو ترواته وبدئت مملكة هيهاتشي في الاتساع اكتر من دي قبل في هادا الوقت كانت جون قد حملت بابنها جين وخلال هدا الحمل اتي الجزئ التاني من الديفل ليوحامل ان يسيطر علي جين لكن جون تصدت لة لانه كان ضعهيف لانه جزئي غير مكتمال وعندما اصبح عمر جين15 سنة اصبحت امور غريبة تحدت في العالم :!: :x وانتشرت اشاعات عن ضهور مخلوق اسطوري غريب وسمع هيسهاتشي عن المخلوق وارسل بعتة الي مكان ضهور المخلوق لكنها لم تعد واستقل هيهاتشي احد طائراته العامودية متل ماشفتنا في فيلم تيكن تري واتجة الي موقع هدا المخلوق لكنة لم يجد الا اشلاء وجتت واحس هيهاتشي ان حلمة في السيطرة علي العالم يكمن في السيطرة علي هدا المخلوق **الدي هو علي فكرة نفس المخلوق الدي اسمة اوغر او ترو اوغر الدي يمكن اللعب به في تيكن 3 ومع مرور الوقت اخدت انباء عن اختفاء ومقتل العديد من المقاتلين وادركت جون ان يمكن ان يكون مصيرها هي ايضا هاكدا وعندها اخبرت جون عن ابيه وجدة هيهاتشي واخبرتة انه ادا حدت له مكره يجب ان يدهب الي جده هيهاتشي واستيقض ولم يجد امه فدهب الي جدةن واخبر جين هيهاتشي عن امه و فهم هيهاتشي ان اوجر يستمد قوته من المق اتلين الاقوياء فقرر ان يدرب جين ليصبح قوي لمادا**** ليكون طعم وبعد 20سنة من قيام تيكن2 اقيمت تيسكن3 وبجائزة مالية اكبر من الاولي جاهلا نوايا هيهاتشي الشيطانية في استغلاله اشترك جين في البطولة لغرض الانتقام لامه تفضلوا وفعلا تمكن جين للوصول للمرحلة النهائية ضد اوغر الحقيقي * ضن بول فينكس انه هزم اوغر ودهب - لكن اوغر تحول الي ترو اوغر*وفعلا تمكن جين من هزيمة اوغر الحقيقي ودهب الي هيهاتشي وبدل ان يستقبلة جدة بلمباركات استقبلة برصاص الحي وغدر به**وفجئة تحول جينالي الديفل وهرب ****كما رينا في فيلمه في تيكن3 ولم يختفي جين لوحدة**وحتي اوغر لم يعتر عليه****وامر هيهاتشي رجاله بلعتور علي اي بقاية لاوغر لنسيجه او لجلده ليقوم باستنساخه حتي يستغله في اغراضة التجارية لكن البحوت والتجارب بائت بلفشل وعلم هيهاتشي انه يحتاج الي جينات الشيطانية التي توجد بجين وابوه كزيا لكن كزيا مات وجين لم يسمع عنه شئي مند اختفائة تمكنت احدي الشركات النتخصصة بعمليات الاستنساخ من العتور علي جتتة كزيا وفعلا نةجحوا باستنساخة وعرض كزيا نفسهة لتجارب ليعرف كيفية السيطرة علي الديفل الدي بداخله*فوجئا هيهاتشي عندما علم ان ابنه مازال علي قيد الحياه كما رئينا في فيلم دخول في تيكن4 وقرر ان ينضم بطولة القبضة الحديدية الرابعة التي جائزتها خيالية اي مملكة هيهاتشي ميشما فقط لاستدراج كازيا ميشما مع علمه انها فخ **وكض ضهر فيها بطلنا جين تمكن الاتنان من بلوع المرحلة السابعة التي هي قبل النهائية لكنت جين لم يحضر هدة المبارة فقض اعترضه جنود هيهاتشي وبعد معرقة ضارية لم يتمكنوا الجنودج من القاء القض علي جين الا بعد ان اصابوه بخمس ابر مخدرة واسروا بعدها جين المسكين :oops: وقبل المبارة قبل النهائية استلم كازيا رسالة من الادارة تخبرة انه اعتبر فائزا بسبب تغيب جين وكازيا يعلم ان هيهاتشي له صضلة بهادا الموضوع وفاز كازيا علي هيهاتشي لانه اصبح اكتر قوه بعد ان تعلم السيطرة علي الديفل المنقسم وطلب كازيا من هيهاتشي ان ياخدة الي ابنه جين وعندما وصلا الاتنان الي مكان احتجاز جين ضهر الديفل وبدت عليه الفرحة فقد وجد نصفه الاخر**ووفر عناء هيهاتشي في البحت واعترف الديفل لهيهاتشي بكل شئ وكيف انه انقسم الي جزئين وان هيهاتشي كاد ان يقتلة بقتلة كازيا من 20سنة وكجائزة لهيهاتشي علي مساعدتة في ايجاد نصفة الاخر ومن دون ان يعلم قدف الديفيل بهيهاتشي خارج الغرفة وحاول الديفل ان يستعيد جزئيه الدي لدي جين وجد انه لايستجيب فدماء جون دماء طاهرة هي وجين فغيرت الديفل الي شئي اخر وفجءة رؤاح يصرخ الديفل من الالم في محاولته لسيطرة عليه ولم يصدق الديفل انه خدع من كازيا وكان الديفل يعتقد انه المسيطر لكن في الحقيقة كازيا هو تالمسيطر وكانت خدعة من كازيا ليتعلم السيطرو علية واستعد كازيا السيطرة علي نفسة وقرر القضاء علي جين ونادا جين**استيقض ياجين*استيقض وبعد معركة دموية تغلب جين علي كازيا وعندها عادا هيهاتشي ليهزئي علي ابنه المهزوم ودخل هو وجين في معرقة دمويه وقرر جين قتل هيهاتشي لكن عندما كان سيفعل ضهر له وجه امهة جون وقرر العفو عليه وقال انا ممتن لكي يا امي جون كازاما وهرب وطار مع تحياتي لينج شاويو LING XIAOYU

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 info about Lei Wulong * معلومات عن Lei Wulong

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Male Pisces Dragon
your posts : 538
Points : 949
السٌّمعَة : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 2011-09-04
your age : 24
where you live : اليبيا
what are you feeling : متل التنين

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PostSubject: info about Lei Wulong * معلومات عن Lei Wulong   info about Lei Wulong * معلومات عن Lei Wulong I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 14, 2012 9:19 pm

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Origin Hong Kong
Voiced By Hiroya Ishimaru (T5), ??? (T6)
Fighting Style 5 Form Kung Fu and Zui Quan (Drunken Fist)
Age 25 (T2), 45 (T3&TTT), 47 (T4&T5), 48 (T6)
Blood Type A
Height 175 cm (5'7")
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs.)
Occupation Police detective, Master of 5 form Kung Fu
Hobby Watching movies and taking naps
Likes Electronics and SONY products, Wang Jinrei and Steve Fox
Dislikes Crimes, law breakers, Feng Wei, Bryan Fury, Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima


Lei Wulong (雷武龍 Léi Wǔlóng) was introduced in Tekken 2, and he has returned for all subsequent games. Lei is very laid back with a casual attitude. He is one of the comedy relief of the Tekken cast and is constantly cracking jokes. Although comedic, Lei is very dedicated to what operations are at hand.
A man who lives for his job. Dedicated to the point of obsession, Lei is a law abiding and gifted cop. He is fair minded and affable to those around him (unless they break the law.) In his Tekken 5 interludes, he is shown treating his rivals (such as Wang Junrei and Steve Fox) with compassion and respect. For his enemies however, he attains a stern and direct approach to their arrest. Although his attempts can sometimes be clumsy, Lei's intentions are always vitreous in nature.
Games in order of appearance: Tekken 2, 1996. Tekken 3, 1998. Tekken Tag Tournament, 2000. Tekken 4, 2001. Tekken 5, 2004. Tekken 6, 2007. Tekken Tag Tournament 2, 2012.

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Tekken 2


During his time as one of the most respected Hong Kong police detectives, officer Lei Wulong has developed his own style of Kung Fu, and uses this to his advantage when facing the many criminals he encounters within his home metropolis. A number of killings lead to the investigation of Kazuya Mishima, who was linked with several Triad and Mafia transactions across the globe. but he lost his memories from an airplane crash and started working for Kazuya. Lei vowed to track down the center of Kazuya's operations and retrieve Bruce. To further his inquiry, he enters the second Rave War!
Ending, "Sure Shot" (Unofficial Synopsis)
Lei is practicing his shooting. He runs out of bullets, smiles and reloads. Lei then fires more shots. There is a close up on the target, with bullet holes saying "The End."
Lei's stage is "Hong Kong Rooftop".
Lei's Stage 8 sub-boss is Bruce Irvin.
Every time Lei's Arcade music is played you can hear a voice in the background saying: WUUUUUULONG!

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Tekken 3

Supercop never rests... Bruce Irvin almost pushed Lei to the brink of defeat in Tekken 2, but Lei managed to come away victorious. Bruce's flight home was then reported crashed, killing all passengers aboard. It was rumored that Kazuya's corps were involved as a means of silencing Bruce. Lei's investigation and intuition led him to believe the accident was staged, and he doubts that Bruce is really dead. After the last tournament, Lei returned to his job as an investigator of international crime. Though 19 years have passed, nobody believes he is 45. Known as Supercop, he's feared internationally by even the most powerful of crime organizations. Falling within his jurisdiction are the strange disappearances of prominent martial artists. During these investigations, Lei was visited by the head man of the MFE, Heihachi Mishima. He asked Lei to join the "King of Iron Fist Tournament 3." Why Heihachi would seek him out for a mere tournament was beyond Lei. A believer in fate, Lei feels there's a reason for this meeting.
Ending, "Afternoon Nap" (Unofficial Synopsis)
Lei practices his Kung-fu over the seasons on the Great Wall. In the summer, Lei is practicing with a thin saucer; the following winter, Lei is practicing Snake Style Kung-fu by grabbing eggs from the tops of bamboo sticks. The animations for these two scenes are taken from Jackie Chan's movie the Snake in the Eagle's Shadow. During the spring, Lei is practicing with a broad. By fall, Lei finally decides to rest, sleeping on a golden Buddha statue.
Lei's stage is "Hong Kong Street".
Lei Wulong's bosses in the Tekken Force side game are (in order of appearance) Nina Williams, Hwoarang, Bryan Fury, and Heihachi Mishima.

Tekken 4

Prologue (In-Game Text)
Lei's life was consumed as usual by police work. Unfortunately for Lei, his live-in girlfriend got fed up with Lei's workaholic lifestyle and dumped him in favor of Lei's assistant. Ironically, the assistant acted as a liaison for Lei whenever she wanted to get in touch with him at work. When Lei found out about this, he became extremely depressed. Around the same time, Lei botched an operation to bring a crime syndicate to justice. Lei failed to capture an agent of the syndicate, who would have enabled the police to take down the syndicate's boss. The failure cost the police force two years worth of intense undercover investigations. Rival detectives who were jealous of Lei's stellar case record saw this as an opportunity to damage Lei's career. Unbeknown to Lei, the rivals reported to Lei's superiors that he botched the operation by "allowing personal affairs to affect his job performance." As a result of this betrayal, Lei wound up on a one-month suspension from active duty. During his suspension, Lei learned from an informant that the syndicate was plotting to assassinate a boxer participating in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. The syndicate apparently hired an assassin for the hit. Lei thought that he could gain valuable information from the boxer about the syndicate. If all went as planned, he could also capture the assassin and establish a plausible connection between the assassin and the syndicate. Lei reasoned that this would aid efforts to bring the syndicate down. Lei entered the Tournament with the hope of redeeming his honor.
Epilogue (In-Game Text)
After winning the Tournament, Lei headed to the Mishima Zaibatsu data-center to dig up information on the Syndicate's hired assassin.
Ending, "Fin Lei" (Unofficial Synopsis)
Lei is in the Mishima Zaibatsu Computer Room looking at information on the hired assassin (Nina Williams), where he finds that she is currently in Hotel Leanne. About a day or so later, Lei is at the hotel ready to stop Nina from carrying out the Syndicate's plans. He busts open the door yelling, "Freeze!" Nina fires a couple of shots which are dodged by Lei. Lei goes back into the room and sees that Nina has escaped. Thinking fast, Lei slides down a drainage pipe and runs across the street. When he reaches, he notices that Nina and Steve are staring at each other. Lei then yells "Freeze" again and Steve helps Nina escape, tackling Lei. Lei fires two shots and one hits Nina in the leg. Steve punches Lei, knocking him out. The picture of a knocked out Lei is shown next to head lines proclaiming Lei's new found glory. Lei smiles at the camera and the scene ends.
Lei becomes playable after beating the game four times, or as soon as you complete Story Mode with Julia Chang.
Lei's ending is connected to Steve Fox and Nina Williams' endings.
This is the only game where Lei has a leather jacket.

Tekken 5

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Prologue (In-Game Text)
Super detective Lei Wulong. Lei once again made headlines after arresting several members of the Syndicate at the close of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Lei soon became interested in a string of attacks on martial arts training halls throughout China and started an investigation into the matter. Among the victims were several renowned Kung Fu masters that Lei knew personally. Lei poured all of his effort into the investigation but the attacks stopped abruptly and the trail went cold. One day, Lei received a report that several similar attacks had occurred on dojos in Japan. It was then that Lei began to suspect the events were linked and that the perpetrator would surely be at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.
Interludes (Unofficial Synopsis)
Stage 4, Wang Jinrei: Lei and Wang are facing each other, and the two bow and prepare for battle. Lei then apologizes to Wang for beating him. Wang then says that the apology will be his. When Lei wins, Wang then tells him about the true nature of the Tournament.
Stage 7, Feng Wei: Lei runs into Feng Wei, and places him under arrest for beating up dojo masters in China and Japan. The two fight. After his victory, Lei then questions Feng, asking him why he's here. Feng then tells him about the stolen scroll that he is after. Lei then decides that Jinpachi holds all the answers to his questions.
Final Stage, Jinpachi Mishima: Lei meets Jinpachi and places him under arrest for the stolen scroll. He then asks why Jinpachi sent Wang a letter, but Jinpachi tells him that all the answers will come after beating him. When Lei defeats Jinpachi, he is told that 40 years ago, Heihachi imprisoned him under Hon-Maru until he eventually died. A certain "thing" brought Jinpachi back to life; however, it forced him try to destroy the world, and Jinpachi has no choice but to listen to it. With his last act of human conciousness, Jinpachi wrote to Wang. After finally dying, the stolen scroll was returned. Lei picks up and walks away, stopping for a moment and then continuing.
Epilogue (In-Game Text)
Before Lei is able to enjoy his victory at the tournament, he returns to Hong Kong for a new investigation.
Ending, "Chinese Kung Fu Lei" (Unofficial Synopsis)
Lei is fighting a criminal on top of a moving bus. He successfully overcomes the criminal and handcuffs him. He reports back to his superior that he has the suspect in custody, but before he can finish talking, Lei is hit from behind by an oncoming sign, knocking him off of the bus. Lei groans and says: "That's gonna leave a mark."
Lei's sub-bosses are Wang Jinrei, and Feng Wei.
In Feng Wei's interlude with Lei, Lei's voice actor made the mistake of saying "Lee Wulong" instead of "Lei Wulong".
Lei Wulong is the only character, other than Eddy Gordo, Ling Xiaoyu, Christie Monteiro, and the always growling King, who does not speak his mother tongue during interludes.
During gameplay, Lei speaks with the Cantonese voice he had in Tekken 4, however, in the cutscenes and in his FMV ending, he speaks with an Hong Kong English accent.

Tekken 6


Prologue (In-Game Text)
In pursuit of Feng Wei for his criminal offenses, the military sends Lei to Japan. As the trail for Feng Wei is unsuccessful, Lei is helpless, and he returns to Hong Kong. With China in utter chaos and riots happening frequently, Lei grew impatient. Lei knew the true reason for the riots were cause of the Mishima Zaibatsu. In an attempt to arrest Jin Kazama, Lei enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.
Ending, "Chinese Kung Fu Lei" (Unofficial Synopsis)
At a Chinese market street, Lei Wulong was just ordering for noodles. But the meal was soon interrupted whan an unnamed thief was seen fleeing through the scene. Instinctively, Lei kicks out the stool, of which he was sitting on, tripping the would-be thief. Again, the thief flees and Lei kicks the stool a second time, saying "The bag...Leave it here!". The stool hits the thief on his back, boomeranging him, causing him to fall and immediate arrest. After Lei reports that he "has a purse-snatcher in custody" (whilst still holding his plate of noodles), he tries to sit down and eat (unaware of what he did with the stool), only to fall...with the plate and noodles within to fall on top of his face (since the last thing that could be heard was Lei yelling in pain).
Lei's Stage 1 and Stage 2 opponents in Scenario Campaign's "Arena" mode are Feng Wei and Kazuya Mishima.
Unlike the majority of the Tekken 6 characters, Lei is not a boss in the Scenario Campaign mode. Instead, he allies with Lars Alexandersson (or another character of the player's choosing) and Alisa Bosconovitch to fight off the G Corporation's forces.
Lei's voice has been changed yet again, he now speaks with an American accent during gameplay, cutscenes and his ending FMV.
His first item move involves him shooting with a pistol, while his second allows has him hit his opponent with a club if his "Push Away" throw can K.O the opponent

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